Wild Earth

Wild Earth was created to make a radically better dog food with complete protein, superfood ingredients, and zero meat-junk. Their plant-based recipe is made with high-quality, and cruelty-free ingredients. The #1 ingredient on the nutrition label is yeast and miniature protein factories that pump out ultra-high quality protein, grow easily at scale, and require radically fewer resources to produce.

Wild Earth Dog Food

Wild Earth Dog Food

Company HQ

Parent company

Wild Earth, Inc

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Dry Dog Food
Nutrient Value 49%
Quality of Ingredients 63%
Recall History 100%
Price 48%
Customer Experience 74%
Manufacturing Method 40%

Where to buy



  • High protein content
  • To our knowledge, Wild Earth has never had a product recall
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Price is above market average

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