Spot Farms

Spot Farms produces dog food and dog treats, all made with natural human-grade ingredients. The dog food product line includes grain-free and whole grain options. Sport Farms dog treats come in a variety of flavors and formats including jerky, shreds, freeze-dried treats, and training treats.

Spot Farms Dog Food

Spot Farms Dog Food

Company HQ

Parent company

Spot Farms

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Dehydrated Dog Food
Nutrient Value 38%
Quality of Ingredients 72%
Recall History 100%
Price 89%
Customer Experience 76%
Manufacturing Method 90%

Where to buy



  • To our knowledge, Spot Farms has never had a product recall
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • Affordable
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Lower than average protein content

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