
Cesar dog food comes in wet and dry varieties, with many different flavor options. The wet food features real meat including pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, or duck as the #1 ingredient. Cesars loaf recipes are grain-free. In addition to wet and dry dog food, Cesar also manufactures several types of dog treats.

Cesar Dog Food

Cesar Dog Food

Company HQ

Parent company

Mars Petcare US

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Wet Dog Food, Dry Dog Food, Wet Puppy Food
Nutrient Value 72%
Quality of Ingredients 68%
Recall History 47%
Price 85%
Customer Experience 81%
Manufacturing Method 49%

Where to buy



  • High protein content
  • Affordable
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • The brand has been previously recalled

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